News, Articles, Events & Stories
Pledge to Stop Trafficking
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Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer
The Fresno Police department is committed to eliminating human trafficking in our city, but cannot do it alone. We need organizations like Breaking the Chains which is designed to rescue women
Thanks to all of our impact partners
Thanks to all of our impact partners we are able to share some really great updates with you! We began to receive calls from various agencies locally and throughout California
Michael Fagans – photographer | filmmaker | storyteller
Friends: Greeting from Oakhurst. I write this still wrapped in my sleeping bag, enjoying the chill in the air, after yesterday’s 94 degree ride. To date we has been on
CEO of United Way of Fresno County
In my work as the President and CEO of United Way of Fresno County, I see many good things in our community and, yet, I also see many sad things,
BTC Now the beneficiary of the 2015 Break Free Runs
We are excited and honored to announce that we have officially been chosen to be a beneficiary of the 2015 Break Free Runs! If you would like to get involved
Yes, I want to Join The Movement!
Subscribing to our email list connects you with the heartbeat of the movement to end human trafficking.